The Navigate panel is accessed using the Navigate link, located beside
the Home
button. If you have set an access key
for it, it can also be opened using your keyboard. The Navigate panel
gives you access to all the programs available to you and to other items
such as user-defined help, version information, training and test environments
etc. See Integra Menus for an illustration.
Launching Programs/New Windows or Tabs: You can type text or type the program number into the Launch field to find and run a program quickly. Click New Window to open a second instance of Integra with your home page loaded. If you call a program or other item while the Launch Options In New Window box is checked, the item will open in a new window. New tabs rather than new windows will be opened if your Browser has tabbing enabled.
· Environments: You can run Integra in a training or test environment if any are available to you.
· Menus: All the Integra program options available to you are arranged in menus. Menus may also have been customised to include items other than Integra programs.
· Recent History: This section is kept updated with the items you called most recently.
· Favourites: Any favourite items you have set will be listed here for quick access - see Adding/Managing Favourites.
· Tools: The tools available to you can be run from here and also from the same command on the banner at the top of your screen. See Tools for further details.
· Reports: Here the various category of reports available to you are listed. The Filter function can be used to locate items quickly.
· Document Updates: This section lists your most recent document (transaction) updates along with an icon indicating update success or failure. You can click on an item to see full details including any reports or log files generated. The SYSDOC Enquiry will allow you to enquire on older updates not listed here.
· Job Controller: This section lists the jobs you submitted recently for processing along with an icon indicating update success or failure. You can click on an item to see full details including any reports or log files generated. The SPC400 Job Enquiry will allow you to enquire on older submissions not listed here.
· Tasks: If Integra workflow processes have generated any tasks requiring your attention, you will be listed here. Click on the task to call the program which will allow you to complete the task.
· Help: If user-defined help documentation has been created you can call it from here. Click About to see the version number of the Integra 2 framework. Click Version Information to get detailed version information on the various Integra applications and components.